Senin, 02 Agustus 2010


Ngoro, Mojokerto
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Sub Ngoro
Ngoro District location map
East Java Province
Mojokerto Regency
Camat Drs. Gunarko Teguh, M. Si
Area - sq km
Total population -
- Density - inhabitants / km ²
Village 19

Ngoro is a district in Mojokerto regency, East Java, Indonesia.

This district is one of the local industrial area of Mojokerto. When this has been established industrial area called Ngoro Industrial Park (NIP) which was in the area between Mojosari and Watukosek. In addition to existing industrial estates in Ngoro sand mining (sand) located south disebalah settlements in the foothills of responsibility. Ngoro community and its surrounding areas before entering the industry, Ngoro livelihoods is farming. Ngoro subdistrict consists of 19 villages, among others: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Kesemen, Kutogirang, Purwojati, Sedati, Lolawang, Wotanmas Jedong, Ngoro, Kembangsri, Jasem, Sukoanyar, Tanjangrono, Bandarasri, Tambakrejo, Wonosari, Watesnegoro, Manduro Play Elephant, Kunjorowesi.

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